2024 World Seagrass Conference & 15th International Seagrass Biology Workshop

Gabriele Procaccini

Dear participants to the ISBW15 and WSC2024.

It has been a great pleasure to have you all here and we hope everybody enjoyed science, culture and nature during your stay in Napoli.

We think the Congress was a success, in terms of participation and scientific content. Wonderful and inspiring plenaries, dense and fruitful scientific sessions, open and lively workshops. Plenary speakers and sessions and workshops organizers did a wonderful job.
Nothing would have been possible without the support of all the sponsors, the supporters, the local authorities and the Marine Protected Areas.
We hope many new veins have been open and new connections have been made in the International body of the seagrass community. Be sure that we, the organizing committee, did all our best for making this event an unforgettable milestone in the history of the International seagrass research.

See you all at the next meeting!

Gabriele Procaccini
and the Organizing Committee